Classroom of the Elite: Special Exams

Explore the unique special exams in Classroom of the Elite, where students face challenges testing their intellect, teamwork, and survival skills.
In Classroom of the Elite, special exams are unique tests designed by the Advanced Nurturing High School to challenge students in various ways. These exams go beyond academics, testing students’ strategic thinking, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, and psychological strength.

Each exam comes with high stakes, often involving rewards such as class points or protection points, and penalties like expulsion.

1st Year Special Exams are,

2nd Year Special Exams,

1st Year Special Exams

Deserted Island Special Test

In this test, students are left on an island and they have to survive for a week while earning points. Points are gained by protecting their base camp, occupying special spots designated by school and figuring out enemy class leaders.

Cruise Ship Special Test

On a luxury cruise ship, students are split into groups, and each group has a secret VIP. The goal is to figure out the VIP's identity while keeping your own classmate safe. Students have right to report the VIP to the class while the exam happening or after the exam ends.

Depending on their response the outcome will be decided.

First Sports Festival

Students compete in various sports events to earn points for their class. The whole school splited into 2 teams, Red and White. Class A and Class D from all years allocated in White team. Also class B and C allocated in Red team.

Classes not only competing against Red and White they also competing against their own grade level. They receive rewards for winning as the Red or White team also in their grade level.

Paper Shuffle

In this exam, students are paired up within their own class complete an exam. The pairs has to score an certain points in the exam or else the pair expelled from the school.

Also each class prepare question for another class to take exam with. Every class take exam with a question paper prepared by another class. Which class score overall higher score will be the winner.

Mixed Training Camp

Students from different grade levels and classes are grouped together and complete certain daily activities. Also in the end of the exam they attend 4 exam which they learned from the mixed training camp.

Depend on the each classes score the overall winner decided. Also the group which failed to score a certain amount their leader expelled.

The Class Poll

Each student given 3 prise votes and 3 criticise votes. They will cast on their favorite person or anyone in their class. The person who get most praise votes gets an protection points. The person who get most critisise votes in each class gets expelled.

Event Selection Exam

Classes choose 5 events to compete with another class. School choose 7 events randomly and classes compete with in that 7 events. Which class win 4 events will be the winner.

Winning class gets classpoints also losing classes commander gets expelled.

2nd Year Special Exams

Partner Exam

Students are paired first year students and take the exam. Similar like paper shuffle exam each pair has to score a certain points as a pair or else the second year student expelled also first year students get penalized.

Uninhabited Island Exam

Similar to the first island test, this one lasts two weeks and students can participate as solo or groups. Lots of events spread out in the island each day and tudents must complete them to earn points. Also students has to reach their designated area each day 3 to 4 times to score more points.

In the end which group get more score will win the exam. Which 5 groups placed in the last will be expelled.

Unanimous Vote Special Exam

In this exam, students must vote for 5 question unanimous. If they can’t agree the vote will be repeated until they agree on some choice. If they agree to something in the exam they also complete the agreed thing like expelling someone.

If they complete all 5 questions within 5 hours they successfully finish the exam or else they get penalized.

Second Sports Festival

The second sports festival has lots of events happen in the festival days. Students has to attend 5 events mandatorily and 10 events maximum.

Depend on which class get most points in each grade overall win the exam.

Cultural Festival

School provides placed to run stalls and other attraction. Classes rent that places and run some attractions. Which class gets more sales on the day of the cultural festival win the exam.

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