Classroom of the Elite: Unanimous Vote Special Exam

Explore the Unanimous Vote Special Exam in Classroom of the Elite, including tough decisions, rewards, penalties.
In Classroom of the Elite, the Unanimous Vote Special Exam is an exam arranged exclusively for second-year students. In this exam, students are presented with five questions, and the objective is for the entire class to provide the same answer unanimously.

Each question has a 60-second time limit for voting, with an additional 90-second grace period allocated for the entire exam. If all students finish voting within the 60 seconds, the voting concludes, and the results are immediately displayed.

However, if the class fails to reach a unanimous decision on a question, they enter a 10-minute interval period. During this interval, students are free to discuss and share their opinions to coordinate and persuade others towards a unanimous decision.

The exam must be completed within a total time limit of five hours.

Table of Content

Example Questions

1. Someone from the class will receive 100,000 private points.
A) For
B) Against
  • If everyone votes against, the question is successfully answered, and the exam proceeds to the next question.
  • However, if everyone votes for, the class must then decide who will receive the private points. This becomes a new question for voting.
2. Who will receive the 100,000 private points?
  • All students' names are displayed, and the class votes. The student with the majority vote is selected as a candidate. For instance, if Suzune Horikita is chosen, the next question will be,
3. Suzune Horikita will receive 100,000 private points.
A) For
B) Against
  • If a student's name is included in the question, they lose the ability to vote on that specific question.
  • If everyone votes for, the selected student receives the points, and the exam moves on to the next question.
  • If everyone votes against, the previous question is repeated in the next round, but the rejected student's name is removed from the options.

Some questions may have broader implications for the school and are handled differently.

4. The school will get a new facility. Which one should it be?
A) Restaurant
B) Medical Center
  • In this case, the decision of the entire class is counted as a single vote. For example, if all students in one class choose Restaurant, it counts as one vote for Restaurant.
  • If the other three classes choose Medical Center, it results in three votes for Medical Center.
  • The option with the majority of votes across all four classes is implemented in the future.

Special Rules

  • Protection points cannot be used during this exam.
  • The only way to save a student from expulsion is by paying 20 million private points.


Each student has a total of 90 seconds of grace time for the entire exam. If a student uses up all their grace time, they will be expelled.

The exam must be completed within 5 hours. If a class fails to finish the exam within this time limit, they will lose 300 class points.

Students are strictly prohibited from making agreements or deals with others regarding their votes. Any student caught making such arrangements will be expelled.


A class that successfully completes the exam within the 5-hour time limit will receive 50 class points as a reward.


1. Choose which class you will face in the year-end final exam to be held at the end of the third semester. Your choice will remain valid even if there is a change in class rankings.

A) Class A (100 Points)
B) Class B (50 Points)
C) Class D (0 Points)

2. Choose a destination for the school field trip scheduled for late November.

A) Hokkaido
B) Kyoto
C) Okinawa

3. Select one of the following options. Regardless of the choice, Private Points will be affected for six months.

A) Three random students receive Protect Points, but the entire class gets zero Private Points each month.
B) One random student receives a Protect Point, but all students get half the Private Points they would normally earn.
C) If neither Option 1 nor Option 2 is chosen, the five students with the lowest scores on the next exam will receive zero Private Points for six months.

4. One of the following adjustments will be made to the written exam held at the end of the second semester.

A) Increased Difficulty
B) Increased Penalties
C) Decreased Rewards

5. In exchange for expelling one of your classmates, your class will gain 100 Class Points.
  • If the class is unanimously in favor, a vote will be held to choose the student to be expelled.
A) For
B) Against


    Class A, Class B, and Class D all finished the exam successfully without any major problems. However, Class C got caught in the situation where they had to expel someone. In the end, Sakura Airi was the one who was expelled.

    Class Class Points Expelled Students
    Class A +50 No one
    Class B +50 No one
    Class C +150 Sakura Airi
    Class D +50 No one

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