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Classroom of the Elite: Special Exams

In Classroom of the Elite, special exams are unique tests designed by the Advanced Nurturing High School to challenge students in various ways. These…

Classroom of the Elite: The Cultural Festival

Table of Content The Cultural Festival at Advanced Nurturing High School marks a historic moment. It is the first-ever cultural festival in…

Classroom of the Elite: Second Sports Festival

The second sports festival, similar to the one in the first year, involves students from all three grade levels competing in various events. The fest…

Classroom of the Elite: Unanimous Vote Special Exam

In Classroom of the Elite, the Unanimous Vote Special Exam is an exam arranged exclusively for second-year students. In this exam, students…

Classroom of the Elite: In-Class Voting Special Exam

The In-Class Voting Special Exam, featured in Classroom of the Elite, is a unique way for students to evaluate their peers. It lasts five days …

Classroom of the Elite: Paper Shuffle Exam

The Paper Shuffle is the final special exam of the year. Students are paired up in twos to take a written exam. The classes will compete a…

Classroom of the Elite: First Sports Festival

At the Advanced Nurturing School, the sports festival is a yearly event that is treated as a special exam for all students. It features 13 …

Deserted Island Exam: Classroom of the Elite

Table of Content The Deserted Island Exam challenges students to survive on an island as a group. Each class starts some essenti…

The S-System and Point System in Classroom of the Elite

In the "Classroom of the Elite," there are three types of points at the Advanced Nurturing School: Class points Private …